Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Passes House

Today, the House of Representatives passed legislation to reauthorize the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. H.R. 4301, the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Act, reauthorizes and increases the funding levels for the GLRI through 2026. Following passage, Congressman Bergman, member of the Great Lakes Taskforce and an original cosponsor of H.R. 4031, released the below statement:

"Michigan’s First District has the most Great Lakes shoreline of any Congressional District, and I have been proud to fight for GLRI since coming to Congress. I’m thankful the House has come together in a bipartisan way to pass this legislation, which is critical to conserving one of our nation’s most important natural resources--- our Great Lakes. This bill ensures continuity for the important conservation work already being done in the Great Lakes through the GLRI."

Conserving our Great Lakes is a priority for Congressman Bergman. Along with numerous pieces of legislation sponsored and cosponsored, Rep. Bergman has kept Great Lakes projects at the forefront of Congress and with Administration officials:

Great Lakes Task Force Letter 

Great Lakes Coastal Resiliency Letter

Great Lakes Water Levels Letter

National Marine Sanctuary Letter

Great Lakes Funding Initial Letter

Letter to Canada on Establishing a Canadian Great Lakes Restoration Program

Bergman Final Letter for FY18 GLRI Funding

Bergman Final Letter for FY19 GLRI Funding

Bergman Final Letter for FY20 GLRI Funding

Additional information on Congressman Bergman's fight to protect the Great Lakes can be found below:

Bergman talks with President Trump aboard Air Force One about Great Lakes, Asian Carp.
(Alpena News)

Michigan Congressmen introduce bipartisan legislation to renew Great Lakes Funding.

Opinion - Bergman: Tremendous news for both land and water

Bergman applauds EPA's 5-year Great Lakes plan.

2018 GLRI budget saved.
(Alpena News)

Congressman Jack Bergman speaks out about the Trump Administration's proposed budget cuts. 

Bergman pledges to continue support for Great Lakes Initiative
(Daily Globe)

Bergman vows to continue fight to protect the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, Essential Air Service, and other important government services. 
(Keweenaw Report)

Rep. Jack Bergman (R-MI-1) and others celebrated the completion of the Little Rapids Restoration Project at an event in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan
(Great Lakes Commission)

Bergman original co-sponsor to of Stop Asian Carp Now legislation

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