Bergman Vows to Continue Fight Against Health Care Collapse

Washington - Congressman Jack Bergman (MI-1) released the following statement today about Republican efforts to restore access to affordable, choice-based health care:

“I came to Congress to get things done for Michigan’s First District. And getting things done means that you don’t let the perfect become the enemy of the good.

“Like so many of my colleagues here in Congress, I campaigned on the promise that I would repeal the Affordable Care Act and replace it with something better. The American Health Care Act wasn’t perfect, but it was a good faith effort at addressing the ACA’s failures and providing quality, patient-centered care to every American who wants and needs it.

“Folks in the First District are concerned about the significant cost of health care. They know that having access to coverage isn’t the same as having access to care. Obamacare has been a thorn in the side of so many of the families, businesses, and communities that I represent. We all know there’s a better way.

“Today doesn’t mark the end of our efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare here in Congress. It marks the beginning. I remain dedicated to making sure that every person in the First District has access to quality, affordable health care.”


Congressman Bergman supported two other health-care related bills that passed through the House of Representatives this week.

The Competitive Insurance Reform Act (H.R. 372) will eliminate anti-trust protections for insurance providers and lay the groundwork for more competitive markets and more affordable choices for consumers.

The Small Business Health Fairness Act (H.R. 1101) will increase bargaining power for small businesses by allowing them to band together across state lines to negotiate with insurance companies for the best possible plan for their employees.

Representative Bergman Represents Michigan’s First District in the House of Representatives. He serves on the Budget and Natural Resources Committees and as Chairman of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations.


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