Bergman Leads on School Safety, Introduces Bill to Secure Resource Officer Funding

Today, Representative Jack Bergman (R-MI) introduced the School Resource Officer (SRO) Funding Protection Act with original cosponsors Bill Huizenga (R-MI) and Lisa McClain (R-MI) and support of First District State Legislators, as well as law enforcement. The bill would require states to maintain funding for SRO programs at or above the amount spent in their previous fiscal year to remain eligible for full federal aid for elementary and secondary education.

“The horrific epidemic of school shootings requires all of us to put people above politics and action behind words in wake of these tragedies. Lagging school safety measures aren’t going to cut it – children can’t be sitting ducks, unprotected from evil intruders due to budget cuts. My bill will ensure that states maintain a sufficient budget for school resource officers and related programs, because our children deserve to feel safe and be protected,” Representative Bergman stated.

State Senator John Damoose noted, “We have all seen the devastation caused by school violence and a spiraling mental health crisis amongst our kids. Cutting funding for school resource officers and mental health care was just plain irresponsible. I applaud Congressman Jack Bergman for taking the lead to protect our kids and doing the job our state legislature should have done in the first place.”

State Senator Michelle Hoitenga asserted, "When Democrats in Lansing slashed school safety funding, they put Michigan’s students and teachers at risk. Congressman Bergman's School Resource Office Funding Protection Act would safeguard our students and staff, by investing in the security and well-being of our children."

“Unbelievable that at a time our students need more support, the Democratic leadership in Lansing removed over 90% of the funding for mental health support in our schools. We need to support our kids. This legislative proposal by Rep. Bergman will provide important checks and balances at the federal level to ensure our children are safe at school,” said State Representative John Roth.

"I’ve been working with my colleagues on a bipartisan school safety package, House Bills 4088-4100, to improve communication, mental health resources, and staff training in schools," State Representative Cam Cavitt remarked. He continued, "Congressman Jack Bergman’s efforts at the federal level will provide critical support to these initiatives, ensuring schools have the tools to address threats and mental health concerns more effectively. Together, these efforts will create safer, more supportive environments for our kids, both physically and emotionally."

"Commonsense legislation such as this is what our kids really need instead of the political games that Lansing politicians have played with their lives. During a time of heightened security threats in our school systems, we need more safety resources and funding for key programs, not less. I commend Rep. Bergman for his work on this issue and I'll continue to work alongside him to keep our schools safe," State Representative Ken Borton stated.

"As a former Special Education teacher I am troubled by the cuts in School Resource Officer funding," State Representative Ed Markkanen added"This legislation will ensure our schools have SRO’s present across the U.P. and the rest of Michigan."

Speaking to the budgetary importance of SRO funding, Kenneth Grabowski, Legislative Director, Police Officers Association of Michigan said, "Everyone wants to talk about school safety, but far too often politicians fail to put their money where their mouth is. This year, the state changed budget priorities and cut millions of dollars in dedicated school safety funding, putting our students and teachers at risk. We commend Rep. Bergman for stepping up and introducing the School Resource Officer Funding Protection Act to ensure our kids are safe at school and our SRO’s are properly funded."

"Funding for School Resource Officers and mental health are a critical part of keeping our children safe. Cuts in these areas make it difficult for police departments and school districts to keep this lifesaving service available in our state.  In rural communities, where police response if often delayed due to a limited amount of law enforcement, these cuts make it next to impossible to provide adequate security for our students and faculty," Gaylord City Police Chief Frank Claeys stated.

Emmet County Sheriff Pete Wallin expressed his support, "Our students are our future. Protecting them is one of the most important jobs we have. Restoring full funding for our School Resource Officers is critical at a time when threats are at an all time high. I applaud Rep. Bergman for introducing this badly needed legislation."

"As Sheriff, one of the most important jobs I have is protecting our children at our schools. I'm grateful that Representative Bergman introduced this legislation to protect our School Resource Officers following massive cuts at the State level," said Otsego County Sheriff Matthew Nowicki.

The State of Michigan’s fiscal year 2025 budget slashes nearly $302 million in school safety and mental health funding. The funds will be reduced to $26.5 million come October 1, 2024, a 92% decrease. Rep. Bergman’s legislation will ensure that any state which fails to maintain the required funding levels for SRO programs will see its federal education aid reduced, unless a waiver has been granted. Waivers can be granted by the Secretary of the Department of Education on a case-by-case basis.

Read the full text of the bill here.

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