Congressman Bergman Released the Following Statement Following the House Passing the Budget for FY2018

Congressman Jack Bergman, member of the House Budget Committee, issued the following statement after the House of Representatives approved the fiscal year 2018 budget resolution:

“I believe in the vision laid out by House Republicans in our FY18 Budget - deficit reduction, Obamacare repeal, and federal program reforms. I came to DC to make difficult choices now, so that future generations can be better off later. Part of that future is bringing tax relief to hardworking Michiganders in the First District, which is why I voted for the budget brought to the House floor today. Lowering the tax burden for working families and small businesses in Michigan is critically important for spurring economic growth and getting our fiscal trajectory back on track.

"Nevertheless, Congress can and must focus on bringing down our $20 trillion in national debt, fixing our broken healthcare system, and making changes to failing federal programs— I was elected on this platform, and will continue to support policies that fulfill those promises.”

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