Bergman: Securing the Southern Border Must be a Top Priority in Funding Debate

Rep. Jack Bergman issued the following release:

"As Washington stares down another possible government shutdown, the number one priority of House Leadership must be finding common ground to secure our Southern Border. This has been a top priority since I've come to Congress, but this Administration has reversed years of important policies and work - resulting in the greatest illegal immigration crisis possibly of my lifetime. The Biden Administration's lackadaisical and frankly entirely inept approach to border security has put our Nation at risk and our safety in question.

"When it comes to negotiations, we must put all the white noise aside, and focus directly on the most important issues we face. As New York City has recently discovered, every town is a border town when you have a broken immigration system coupled with an incompetent border security plan. If we do not address our illegal immigration crisis now, every city, township, and village will become the epicenter of our illegal immigration crisis."

Recent articles outlining the crisis on the Southern Border:

Fox - Dem Texas Mayor Says City is at 'Breaking Point' as Border Crisis Rages

Newsweek - Growing Crisis at the Border Results in 2-Month-Old Baby Being Abandoned

Politico - New York Mayor Adams: Cost of Migrants Will Destroy New York City

New York Post - New York Has Taken in 95,000 Migrants in 2023

Fox Liberal City’s Costs for Sheltering Migrants Nears $25 Million

Washington Examiner - Eric Adams slashes New York City Budget Again as Cost of Immigration Crisis Rises

Newsweek - Biden's Border Policies Have Made Every U.S. City a 'Border Town' 

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