Bergman Advocates for Higher Quality of Veteran Care

Washington - This week, Rep. Bergman questioned health officials in a House Veterans' Affairs Committee (Subcommittee on Health Oversight) Hearing on the quality of care provided by the VA. The hearing, which probed the Federal Supremacy Initiative of the Veterans Administration, underscored the need for a higher standard of quality care for Veterans, regardless of location or individual healthcare needs.

Rep. Bergman pressed the panel of medical professionals on the restrictions in place that limit the scope of care for Veterans, and reminded all present that healthcare outcomes for those who greatly sacrificed for our country should not be fueled by personal promotion or heavy-handed red tape. Bergman also underscored outliers in VA capabilities when providing and covering contemporary care procedures, further highlighting the shortcomings of Veteran healthcare and the ample room for improvement. Moreover, Rep. Bergman urged his colleagues and panelists to consider rural and remote access to medicine for Veterans like those in the First District.

In concluding his remarks, Rep. Bergman stated, “we need to make sure as best we can, as members of Congress, that what is being done at all bureaucratic levels within the federal government, in this case especially Veterans Administration, is being done for the right reasons with outcomes for Veterans in mind, not outcomes for the bureaucracy.”

You can watch Rep. Bergman’s questioning here and here.

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