Bergman's Bipartisan Resolution: Veterans And Servicemembers - Thank You For Our Freedom

Today, Rep. Jack Bergman (MI-01) along with Rep. J. Luis Correa (CA-46) introduced a resolution expressing support for replacing the term “Thank you for your service” with “Thank you for our freedom”.

The resolution renews and affirms Americans’ commitment to support and thank servicemen and women for preserving our freedom so that Americans will always remember the crucial role our Servicemembers and Veterans have in our history.

This resolution will also help place a Veteran’s sacrifice in a personal context for individuals by encouraging them to thank a Veteran for the freedom we enjoy because of their service to our Nation.

“As a Nation, we have an obligation to support the brave men and women of our Armed Forces who risk their lives to protect the freedom of the American people, and our allies.  Because of their service, we as Americans continue to live in a free Nation with the opportunity to prosper. This resolution will help ensure those of us blessed to call America home understand the personal importance of our servicemen and women’s sacrifice for our Nation” Rep. Bergman stated.

Rep. Correa noted, “All gave some and many made the ultimate sacrifice. Every servicemember deserves our respect and gratitude. I’m proud to cosponsor this legislation to express our thanks and honor the brave men and women who have and continue to put their lives on the line for our country.”


At the close of World War II, Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Chester Nimitz, selected Roy ‘‘Butch’’ Voris to form a Navy flight exhibition team, later to be known as the Blue Angels. As the First Blue Angel, Butch created an image that became symbolic of the United States Navy, American patriotism, and American freedom. One day, while having lunch with a fellow aviator and wearing his ‘‘1st Blue’’ ball cap, someone walked by Butch’s table and said, ‘‘Thank you for your service’’. Butch’s friend realized that Butch was surprised, so he explained that this was a phrase that people said to show appreciation for the military, and, without missing a beat, Butch announced for all to hear, ‘‘He should thank us for his freedom’’.

Butch has since passed but his message should live on forever, and in honor of all who currently serve in the Armed Forces and our 20,000,000 living veterans, this resolution proclaims that the best way to show recognition, respect, and honor for those who have put and continue to put their lives on the line is to declare ‘‘Thank you for our freedom’’.